Monday, March 23, 2009

Welcome to our house

After a year without a computer, I have started a new blog. I hope you enjoy reading about our daily lives and find encouragement, laughter and most of all Jesus. He is the most important thing in our lives, nothing else matters, we hope you feel the same way too.
The boys are all sleeping at the same time-love it when this happens. They are wiped out from the weekend festivities and getting to bed later than they should .(BAD MOM and DAD) This morning I e-mailed all of the committee members about a bill they will be voting on this week. I pray that it helps and they don't pass it. I know God is control and we are in HIS hands ultimately so I don't worry. But I am trying to be more pro-active especially on social issues, this hasn't always been the case though. I never cared about political issues or social issues before but this past presidential election I realized I need to stay informed and more than that I need to take action. As Christians we need to stop sitting by and complaining about how immoral our country is and start taking action, getting informed about issues and who and when they are being voted on and then make a point to PRAY, write, call our representatives, congressmen, whoever needs to be contacted to make our voice heard.
Unfortunately, in the time it took to "make my voice heard" the house fell apart. I can't imagine the people who work from home-how do they get anything done.

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